Monday, February 27, 2012

My binding Jar....

I must confess to being a little bit of a 'hoarder', but then I don't think there are many of us 'fabricholics' that aren't, (please don't contradict me here as I need to believe that this is the case).  Consequently I find it quite hard to throw things out... well, you never know when it might come in handy! 
Excess bindings are one of those things that I look at and hate to throw away.  Those lovely big moccona coffee jars are also another.  So voila! the two have become best of friends and I have a little bit of extra eye candy in my sewing room! 
Of course, it is not just visual stimulation I'm after, the idea is that one day, when I finally get around to making that perfect scrap quilt, the contents of said jar will be joined together and used to perfectly finish this perfect quilt!  Don't you love a happy ending? (I crack myself up!)

have a great week,


Anonymous said...

Oh yes we are all hoarders not going to argue with you about that, grin

Quill and Ink Handmade said...

I keep all my fabric scraps in a big bag - I delude myself that I'll be using them for something, but every three or four months I take the whole lot to Kindy for the little ones to use in their collages.
I might just start saving all my bigger pieces though for a scrap quilt - what a great idea!

Have a lovely, relaxing weekend,